

Vespa VSX1T piston: 66.3 mm - 2 main transfer with a small "boost" transfer. Transfers are off axis from gudgeon pin.

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Vespa VBA1T piston: 56.8 mm - 2 main ports and a deflector type head. Transfers are the same on both sides.

Lambretta Li125 III piston: 51.8 mm - 2 main transfers and a domed head. Transfers are different on both sides.

Vespa VSX1T Pinasco 213 kit piston: 2 large main transfers with a small "boost" transfer.

Vespa VSX1T Malossi 210 kit piston: 2 large main transfers with a 2 small "boost" transfers across from the exhaust.

Lambretta TS1 225 piston: 2 large main transfers with a 2 small "boost" transfers across from the exhaust where the reed valve intake is located.

Vespa T5 piston: 1 full cut out with 2 skirt cut aways for the 2 barrel transfers on either side. Thanks to Stefan Onderka for the picture. Click piston for larger image

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