

Lambretta Li125 Special head - a more central combustion chamber than an standard Li125. Shared w/GP125 motor. Part number A-10504 is stamped on the bottom face (arrowed).

Vespa VBA head - a very domed chamber with small indentations (arrowed) to allow for the clearance with the deflector type piston. A small lip is also present.

Vespa P200 Malossi head - This head has been machined to give a good clearance between the piston and the head. The little castings on the outside of the barrel stud holes are now standard on new PX200s to stop head warping when torqued down.

Lambretta TS1 225 head - This standard 200cc head has been machined to give a better compression ratio for a kitted engine and clearance on the piston crown. Click for high resolution image.

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